Chris's Photo Blog

A window into my life. I like to think my life is adventurous and beautiful, and so I am sharing this gift online. Maybe I'll inspire someone, maybe I won't, but if someone reads this and smiles, my mission is accomplished.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Spring? Not yet!

Alright, this is my first post in this blog. I have a few other blogs in various stages of progress and updates around the web, but this one is attached to me. My name, my work.

The picture is from a farm on my way from home over to the Route 6 shopping strip. The farm is unfortunately up for sale, so this view probably won't last (they'll pave paradise and put up a parking lot). Damn taxes, damn debt inflation. I'd like this piece of land.

You'd think it was spring, being 50 degrees and all, but it's not!

In the pasture behind me, two men were out shooting squirrels (?). Posted by Picasa


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